Hi OpenBSD team,

Sorry to bring more of those annoying "new" ideas, but I think that might
help. I will be brief :-)

1. "Branded" hosting by OpenBSD project

I will be first in line to pay 2x of what I am paying now to host my
domain on OpenBSD platform in Canada, knowing that it is looked after (or at
least periodically checked) by core developers.

2. "Security reinforcement" of Sun Solaris.

Oracle seems bleeding when it comes to get their OS over the security audit
lines etc. If approached properly, nobody (even Oracle) should refuse paid
help of a team of highly professional security experts, running their own
OS for 20 years as portfolio :-)

Sun Solaris is a good platform. If lucky and persistent, you may help it to
become better, get rich in the process and get enough money to pay OBSD
power bill :-) (And still hacking on big-endian platform in the process!)

3. Question

Is it possible that OpenBSD has finally "grown too big"? So it may be time to
turn it into more commercial enterprise? If it is the case - I am sincerely
glad for all of you, guys!

I think this "power situation" :-) may be a chance to all of us, OpenBSD
users, to see it rise and shine even more?

May be in 10 years there will be no Windows and every PC sold will proudly
carry Puffy logo on the side panel?

It would be a great world, I would even stop thinking about the retirement
then :-))

Please stay on top of your game, all of you - OpenBSD project members!
You are great smart people and you will get through this, stronger and better.

I do hope.

Sincerely yours,
The Bible for command line people.

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