MJ <m...@sci.fi> wrote:

> I would like to inquire as to which OpenBSD RELEASE will offer the possibility
> to avoid NIST crypto for everything in Base (isakmpd, openssh, openssl, https,
> nginx being the key items in mind)?

What is "NIST crypto"?

> As it stands, there is currently cipher-suite negotiation / configuration
> coded into every single crypto-enabled tool / daemon and it's a bit of a mess
> and a headache to manage it all.

Yeah, well, they all need to interoperate independently and speak
different protocols.

> Would it be good to start to think about having a single, system-wide
> cipher-suite negotiation configuration and socket?

Wäre es gut, wenn die ganze Welt eine Sprache sprechen würde?

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          na...@mips.inka.de

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