Hello, It seems that my idea was not read and in my opinion the discussion turns in a wrong way. I don't believe that donations and/or a kind of rent will solve our problem in long-term (as Theo says in a previous mail).
I'm pretty sure that the majority of companies doesn't read undeadly.org and didn't notice that we have a financial/electrical issue. I suggest to write a letter to theses companies who are known to using OpenBSD or other product-related like OpenSSH. In this letter we can explain (as the first post from Theo) our issue. I'm sure they can give us an hand if they know our problem. And in my opinion, ONLY a company can give us a long-term solution. Sorry I'm not a native english-speaker and I can't help to write a letter like that but I'm sure that's realistic solution. Another solution is to approach the *BSD community. FreeBSD are bigger than us and how they'll solve these kind of problem ? I don't know but if we join our effort we could find a solution. Best regards ! Fabien Franchini