On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 07:41:03PM +0100, Martin Schröder wrote: > Him being the leader is the very reason this project still exists.
The thing about OpenBSD is that it has a very clear and strong focus. This comes from clear and strong leadership. Is Theo right on everything? Of course not. None of us are. However, he directs things in a direction that benefits all of us and OpenBSD has an absolutely clear focus and direction. Some other operating systems might be entertaining, an academic exercise, or a "just because" effort (anyone running Debian/kFreeBSD in production?) but OpenBSD is extremely powerful and useful. Nothing comes close in my opinion and there's a reason for that. OpenBSD doesn't have a huge democratic process that takes months or years to decide anything. Instead, real work gets done every single release and new and improved functionality is there every single time without a bunch of binary blobs. I'm doing whatever I can to help encourage corporate sponsorship and I would encourage everyone else to do the same. Now is not the time to comment on what you think of Theo's leadership. If you don't like it, use something else. That's the beauty of freedom. No one is forcing you to use OpenBSD. Let's limit the noise to things that could actually benefit OpenBSD rather than what we think might be wrong. Each of us should be looking at ways that *we* can help OpenBSD rather than pointing out what the developers could do in addition to all the volunteer coding they're already doing. Don't forget how valuable and expensive it would be to hire all of these amazing developers to do what they love doing. Bryan