On 01/10/2014 12:12 PM, Jan Stary wrote:
>>> I have had 1 OBSD box, with e-mail server (sendmail), 1 web page
>>> (apache), and anonymous ftp server for almost 14 years; upgrading by
>>> clean installations every 6 months, and without problems. I have 2 80GB
>>> hard drives (1 system, 1 /ftp/pub).
>>> This time, i installed DokuWiki, and Mailman over 5.3;
> How? Using packages?


>> failing with Mailman.
> How exactly?

i could not understand the logic, and security.

>> I added 2 vhost to the web server. And at this time everything
>>> was going well.
> No it wasn't: mailman installation failed in some way.

Nop, mailman was before the clean installation.

>> Before, the last upgrade; i decide to test the upgrade
>>> 5.3-5.4 using the recommended method (install54.iso), and failed.
> How exactly di the upgrade fail?

i failed with sysmerge, but did not like me that method.

>> It
>>> really, did not like me. After that, I did a clean installation of 5.4,
>>> and installed the full system, plus DokuWiki and dependencies; it
>>> happened on Jan 7 2014,
> How did you install DokuWiki?


>>> Surprise, on Jan 9 2014; i found 1 soft link to the web server from
>>> /root;
> What was the synlinks name, when was it created, etc?

exactly the name of 1 vhost. created on Jan 9

> What did fstat say about it?


>> i began to review deeper, and found the file
>>> /var/www/logs/etag-state in chinese;
> How do you know? How exactly did you open and read the file
> so that you know it was in chinese? Does you terminal support
> the chinese character set? Please elaborate.

i open the file with kwrite, and i saw exadecimal characters (maybe);
the second time there where chinese characters; i was using another
laptop (ssh).

> What did fstat say about that file?


>> 2 references to hinet (chinese)

messages from sendmail.

> What "references"?
> What's "hinet" and how do you know it is chinese?


>>> intenting to send spam (relay).
> How do you know that "hinet" (whatever it is)
> was intenting to send or relay spam?

i simply know it, reading the message.

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