On 01/02/2014 02:25 PM, Evan Root wrote: > Just so you all know, > This thread makes me want to try out Ext on Openbsd reeeaalll bad. I might > just be able to provide real answers about how it works here in a couple > weeks. > > > > Evan Root, CCNA > > > > On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 1:13 AM, Maurice McCarthy > <m...@mythic-beasts.com>wrote: > >> On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 05:04:32AM -0600 or thereabouts, Shawn K. Quinn >> wrote: >>> I know for a fact that on GNU/Linux, NTFS performance is terrible, >>> especially on larger files. True story: once I tried backing up >>> something as a large .zip file to NTFS on a GNU/Linux system. The ETA >>> would start off saying something reasonable like "3 hours" then, three >>> hours later, it would be "about 8 hours" and it would keep going up from >>> there. >>> >> Shawn Quinn, I take it all back. The performance on ntfs in Ubuntu 13.04 >> is atrocious with large files. >> >> The tar archive of video that I mentioned before had _not finished after >> 5:01 hours but took another 5 hours to complete. >> >> So to verify I tried a plain copy command between two internal hardisks. >> After the first 7G transfer had decreased to under 200K per sec. My home PC >> has 8G of RAM. >> >> Regards >> Maurice Last time I tried to read an ext3 (with journal disabled) IIRC it would mount but no other operation worked. That was 5.2 or so. FS was written by Linux 3.2.
In return, of course, that Linux wouldn't mount an OpenBSD FFS. Geoff Steckel