
The following list of ISP also provide OpenBSD.


On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 5:11 AM, Marko M. <ma...@bsdserbia.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> You may try: https://www.transip.eu They offer both OpenBSD and FreeBSD. I
> have been using their VPS with FreeBSD for a couple of years. They offer
> rather cheap and really good service.
> On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 6:37 PM, Some Developer 
> <someukdevelo...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm looking for a VPS provider that supports OpenBSD (preferably the
>> latest version). I've obviously found a few but what I really want is easy
>> to create and destroy instances in the same way you can on Digital Ocean
>> and Linode (which I use for my Linux boxes).
>> An API for automatic creation and destruction of virtual machines would be
>> fantastic and if I was being really picky a European location for the
>> servers.
>> Does anyone have any suggestions and recommendations? I'd rather use a
>> provider that has some positive customer reviews from this list. Some of
>> the available options from a Google search look a bit shabby (I could be
>> completely wrong and they are excellent companies I'm just basing it on
>> what I can see).
>> I'll be using this box as a VPN server.

Francisco Valladolid H.
 -- http://blog.bsdguy.net - Jesus Christ follower.

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