Lars Bonnesen <> wrote:
>I like OpenBSD for it's easiness, straight forwardness and simpleness
>daily usage. Unfortunately with the last releases, I find keeping
>up2date between releases to be confusing. Please help me on this one:
>Well... I have been quite happy using cvsup to keep my src and ports
>up2date, but it seems that this is getting quite impossible to use
>as the servers I normally use to pull from seem to block cvsup. )-:
>Then I read that cvsync seem to be the way to go... although I can't
>get it
>to work proberly.
>I follow and I am able to pull a
>repository (size 5.2G)
>Then I am going to pull the patch branch (well using cvsup, I normally
>for current), and I do:
># cd /usr
># cvs -d/cvs checkout -P src

Yes that gives you -current. Did you install a snapshot first? Did you read 

>It works... I am getting what looks to be update source files. I find
>changes of
>Then I going to compile from source (system is i386) by doing:
># cd /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/conf # config GENERIC # cd
>../compile/GENERIC #
>make clean && make # make install
>Well... it looks to be going fine... not noticing any errors at least,
>I can find the new kernel /bsd. But...
>Rebooting... and the system ends in limbo-mode.

Thanks for the detailed explanation.

>I have to boot doing "b /obsd"
>I can't figure out where the process goes wrong. Anyone?

Your kernel was compiled with "option LIMBO" set, maybe?

Provide more details.


>Regards, Lars.

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