On 2/12/2013 4:11 AM, Nick Holland wrote:
On 12/01/13 07:48, mufurcz wrote:
On 1/12/2013 10:31 PM, Jiri B wrote:
On Sun, Dec 01, 2013 at 10:20:55PM +1100, mufurcz wrote:

It is possible to PXE boot other OSs (like RHEL 6.3 and/or OL 6.3)
with pxeboot.  If so, can somebody point me to a valid PXE

No because pxeboot is "a modified version of the i386 second-stage
bootstrap program, boot(8),"... That said, it is OpenBSD specific.

Check iPXE, http://ipxe.org/howto/chainloading. Problem is that
dhcpd in default OpenBSD installation does not support the way
how to escape netboot looping. Thus you have to use ISC dhcpd or
another dhcpd, or you have to compile undionly.kpxe yourself
with embedded script. There's compilation issue of iPXE on OpenBSD,
see http://forum.ipxe.org/showthread.php?tid=7135.

Description of loop problem:

* dhcp client ->   tftp server
* get's undionly.kpxe
* undionly.kpxe (iPXE) again tries dhcp...
* loop :-)

Feel free to help with iPXE compilation.


Uhm, got it, I read the boot(8) man, however, I am curious, in the
`Hitchhiker's Guide to OpenBSD` reads "Can I boot other kinds of kernels
using PXE other than bsd.rd?  Yes, although with the tools currently in
OpenBSD, PXE booting is primarily intended for installing the OS."  I
read this:  `other OpenBSD kernels (only) than bsd.rd'.

The FAQ is about OpenBSD, the page is about OpenBSD, I kinda assumed
people would understand that by "other kinds of kernels" I meant
"OpenBSD kernels", and not suddenly jump way off topic here.

I'm not a big fan of trying to deal with every imaginable way someone
could misunderstand something, but adding one word might make it more
clear, and I do seem to recall having wondered myself if I could boot
other OSses this way...so I have changed it to read "Can I boot other
kinds of OpenBSD kernels using PXE ..."


Thanks, apologies for the noise.


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