On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 04:30:36PM +0400, Alexander Pakhomov wrote:

> Both should not load CPU a lot. But that doesn't mean they wouldn't.
> Write here if notice intense interrupts CPU load. My OpenBSD 5.4 amd64
> laptop fail to handle 2 MB/s wifi due to some drivers issues (they
> load CPU up to 100% interrupts).  Additional info about interrupts
> load would be helpful.

I didn't find anything really conclusive. Evidentally the main
difference (http://supermicro.biz/support/faqs/faq.cfm?faq=11847) is
that the 82574L is a fully separate ethernet interface connected over
pcie, whereas the 82579LM is just a PHY that connects to the chipset

I found a couple anecdotal accounts that the 82579LM works better (such
as http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/5151718781), but that's under
windows, and might just be driver issues.

I think I'm just going to set up the 82579LM for the high load initially
and see what happens; it will be easy enough to switch them around if I
want to try the other way later.

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