On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 09:54:41AM +0100, Sebastian Benoit wrote:

> in the bios, you can set the onboard serial ports irq to some higher value.
> that way, the ipmi console will become com0.
> (not tried on that board, only on newer supermicros that dont have the
> serial port on the outside anymore).

Hmm, no joy. I tried disabling both the physical serial ports, but the
SOL port stayed on the com2 ioport/irq. That completely broke the
bootloader, as it showed only com0, and when I told it to use it
presumably it tried the standard com0 ioport/irq. I tried setting the
bios to use the com1 ioport/irq for com0 and the com2 for com1 in the
hopes the SOL port would notice their was a conflict and use something
else, but nope, it still didn't work. I don't see anyway to set the SOL
port ioport/irq, I fear it's hardcoded.

It's weird that the kernel uses com2 as a console fine but then userland
borks it. The SOL port works fine as a console when I boot linux on the
box, so either there's an openbsd bug with it or linux must be
implementing some workaround for a problem.

Thanks anyway...

> Paul B. Henson(hen...@acm.org) on 2013.11.24 00:16:52 -0800:
> > I've got a supermicro X9SCL-F board with ipmi support, and I'm trying to
> > use it for the serial console. It shows up as a third com port. After
> > booting the latest install cd, I run the usual "stty com2 115200" and
> > "set tty com2", and then boot. The kernel messages show up fine, and
> > then the output just stops:
> > 
> > com2 at isa0 port 0x3e8/8 irq 5: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
> > com2: console
> > [...]
> > root on rd0a swap on rd0b dump on rd0b
> > erase ^?, werase
> > 
> > Every time, it wedges up at this spot. The console still works for
> > kernel messages though, if I unplug the ipmi virtual cd, I see that:
> > 
> > erase ^?, werasesd2 detached
> > scsibus1 detached
> > umass0 detached
> > 
> > I tried installing it via the kvm head and configuring the serial
> > console for the installed OS, same problem, it spews all the kernel
> > messages and then:
> > 
> > com2 at isa0 port 0x3e8/8 irq 5: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
> > com2: console
> > [...]
> > root on sd2a (b158108c15640a28.a) swap on sd2b dump on sd2b
> > Automatic boot i
> > 
> > Wedges up. Again, the kernel still works, if I plug in the virtual cd:
> > 
> > utomatic boot iumass0 at uhub2 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0 "Ours
> > Technology product 0x2222" rev 2.00/2.00 addr 4
> > umass0: using SCSI over Bulk-Only
> > scsibus3 at umass0: 2 targets, initiator 0
> > 
> > I see the messages. Interesting, the box ends up starting the network
> > and lets me log in via ssh, and when I do, there are *no* getty
> > processes at all. And if I try to reboot from the ssh login, ssh stops
> > responding, but it never reboots and I have to hard reset it.
> > 
> > It looks like as soon as userspace touches the console, it freezes up.
> > Nothing from userspace ever gets printed, and I can't type anything on
> > it. But kernel messages still show up.
> > 
> > The BIOS has the option to either enable or disable legacy redirection
> > after POST, I've tried it both ways with no difference. I can boot linux
> > and use the ipmi serial console just fine, seeing both the kernel output
> > and userspace output, getting a login prompt, and interacting with no
> > issues, so the underlying SOL is functional.
> > 
> > Any ideas what's going on or what I could try to fix or debug it?
> > 
> > Thanks much...
> > 
> -- 

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