On 11/21/2013 02:31 PM, Miod Vallat wrote:
>> What should i do to have scrollback again?
> Scrollback is currently not supported when running frame buffer display
> drivers. I am not aware of plans to work on restoring this feature
> (although it is probably somewhere on my todolist).
>> Btw, to mitigate this fact, is there maybe a mode to determine the geometry
>> of cli framebuffer, like 80x50 or 100x40 etc?
> Not yet. However, there is work in progress to allow for the console
> font metrics to be changed at runtime, which would in turn allow
> different resolutions for the textmode emulation. Soon to hit a source
> tree near you.
> Miod
KMS is a very good thing for X & company. I'm disappointed that another 
very useful feature (scrollback) got lost along the way. When things go 
wrong, especially during stressful operations like reinstall and upgrade 
configuration files, 24x80 is IMnsHO inadequate and scrollback is 
really, really useful. At those times tmux or other layers are not 
easily available -  /usr may not be mountable yet, the net is almost 
certainly off because pf hasn't been configured correctly yet, and it's 
quite likely there's no other machine around to use for a serial 
console. Please keep us posted on the font metric changes. 50x would be 
a lot better but still very much less than the current 100 or more 
scrollback lines.

How early in the boot process would the font metric change capabilities 
be accessible? Could a boot-time or config option work?

I'd be very glad to test and help debug anything in this area.

   Geoff Steckel

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