Hello dear OpenBSD people,

does anyone of the developers have time to look at this issue? It is the same problem I reported here: http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-bugs&m=137388801502300&w=2 but unfortunately it was not fixed.

After Mesa 9.x it got worse, now additionaly there are visual artifacts in mplayer -vo gl, in Firefox images are corrupted, in chromium everything (scroll bars, images) becomes corrupted, openarena now runs, but, for example, neverball does not. GL output in mplayer has become much slower, the computer is not able to play 1080p videos in native resolution anymore. All of this is very sad.

I waited for 5.4 to be released so more people report this. Personally I can reproduce this on 2 computers with GM45 as I reported earlier.

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