On Fri 08 Nov 2013 18:28:38 GMT, Chris Cappuccio wrote:
Andy [a...@brandwatch.com] wrote:
Hi Chris,
Yea that makes sense, as you say its pretty trivial and a divide by zero
check is a common coding practice...
I will try again as I only tried 'Max Performance' but it might mean until
this is fixed we cannot enable 'Turbo+' at all.
With the GIANT lock in OpenBSD I was really hoping that Turbo+ would work as
that gives me a few hundred extra MHz on top of the default 3.5GHz Ivy clock
in a single core etc.
Please let me know if a commit for this is done and I will test using a
snapshot :)
Thanks for your time, Andy.
My patch is almost certainly not the right solution. But it will
possibly allow you to boot in turbo mode.
So, it might be interesting to try it, or to try a version
with the patch (to get a turbo mode dmesg for phessler) and also
some extra info like:
printf("high: %d low: %d cpuspeed %d\n",high,low,cpuspeed);
in the est_init() function after high and low are calculated
(of course).
Perhaps the way that the est_fqlist is built is faulty
for new CPUs, dmesg output from this might show this.
For some reason I thought I had a Xeon 55xx but it's actually
an E5-26xx, and not a v2 either. And doesn't show this
problem as far as I can tell. Maybe I need to test it more!
Ok, I'll have a go at writing the fix and test it, but expect some
pretty newbie questions..
It's been a /very/ long time since I've written any C and I've never
tried to compile OpenBSD.
I'll read http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html next weekend..