Am 06.11.2013 19:34, schrieb STeve Andre':

ps: Has anyone run OpenBSD on a System76 laptop?

Not exactly, I got a Schenker S413 which System76 seems to sell as Galago UltraPro or something like that. Barebone is Clevo W740SU, however retailers seem to be free to implement modified BIOSes. As the thread opener, I wiped the preinstalled Win partition with OpenBSD and the machine wouldn't let me enter the BIOS anymore until I physically removed the drive. However, no combination of settings would allow to boot from the drive, I finally mounted it in an older i386, fdisk/installed again, then it suddenly booted in the S413. Occasionally, it drops into ddb on boot when messing with the azalia(?), apart from that it has some yet unsopported HW like the the SDMMC stsp is asking for on want.html, i217-V NIC, and a graphics board that yells some errors about unknown registers but finally shows up with 1080p console resolution. For the NIC it looks like netbsd has already support in their wm driver, no idea if that can easily be ported, or if it makes sense at all. If someone has patches to test, I'd gladly volunteer.

Back to the question "has anyone run" the precise answer would propably be no, I just managed to boot OpenBSD on it.


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