On 11/05/13 14:47, Kenneth R Westerback wrote:
> There were many changes to dhclient, but this problem was obviously
> not intended.
> What would help is
> 1) Your dhclient.conf

supersede host-name "router";
supersede domain-name "mpeters.org home";
supersede domain-name-servers;

> 2) Any command line options you start dhclient with

just the interface name, ie. re0.

> 3) A tcdump of the conversation. Something like
> tcpdump -i <blah> -s 2000 -vv -X 
> if you want to capture the text output, or
> tcpdump -i <blah> -s 2000 -w <file to send me>
> if you want to just capture the packets.

Will try both, when it doesn't come up again. It is running fine atm


> .... Ken

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