For FreeBSD: stay on -RELEASE and use freebsd-update(8)
Nowadays no need to build world. 

sent via my mobile C64

> Am 30.10.2013 um 03:44 schrieb David Noel <>:
> I started playing around with FreeBSD back in the 2.2.7 days. I'd
> describe myself as a casual desktop/workstation user. Back in the day
> I was attracted to OpenBSD's heavy focus on security but was pulled
> towards FreeBSD due to a good friend of mine being a FreeBSD
> contributor ("dude, trust me, it's the way to go"). Recently I've
> purchased a handful of servers for a software project I've been
> working on and have started reconsidering my choice of OS's.
> Administering a single FreeBSD workstation isn't too much of a
> headache; I've kind of gotten used to having to rebuild kernel and
> world every few months as security advisories are released. But now
> that I'm administering 6 of them I'm really starting to get annoyed by
> the whole process: rebuild kernel... rebuild world... reboot, and then
> pray that it doesn't blow up in my face (as it often does). That got
> me thinking about OpenBSD. Looking at the security advisories the last
> one I see was from nearly a year and a half ago! That's pretty
> incredible to me. Does this mean that I could theoretically have
> gotten away with a year and a half uptime? What's the catch here? I'm
> sorry but I'm incredulous by how good it sounds so I have to ask. For
> me the biggest selling points of an operating system are security and
> maintenance. I've been wowed by ZFS, but really how often do
> filesystems need to be fsck'd? --and I never take snapshots. I feel
> like I could do without it. UFS+J is good enough. Given my priorities,
> does it sound like OpenBSD could be the one for me?

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