I use PF on some OpenBSD BGP+OSPF routers on Renater (IPv4 + IPv6), it
works like a charm.
Why this question ?

pf rule are simple:

pass in quick proto tcp from $bgp_neighbor_1 to $self_peering_1 port 179
pass out quick proto tcp from $self_peering_1 to $bgp_neighbor_1 port

Best regards,
Loïc BLOT,
UNIX systems, security and network engineer

Le mardi 29 octobre 2013 à 18:27 +0100, OCEANET - Cédric BASSAGET a
écrit :
> Hi,
> Simple and general question :
> Is it a good thing to run PF on an openbgpd server (for security
> reasons), or should I de-activate PF ?
> Regards,
> Cédric

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