On 10/29/13 13:45, Andy wrote:
Code snippets can be seen on;


Editing these to compile and work on OpenBSD and run 'bgpctl neighbor
$bfdpeer down' etc is beyond my skills..

No editing will make the license work in OpenBSD kernel, i think.


Thanks for reading, Andy.

On Tue 29 Oct 2013 11:16:20 GMT, Andy wrote:
Yea its 24.. Would even be happy to offer some champers..

I think this is more of a Maudite crowd.. Connoisseurs on here...

As I understand it you would need to write a small daemon to do the BFD
state monitoring for the transmission and reception of the heartbeats
with various peers. The protocol is fairly simple so for an experienced
dev this should be easy.

Then in OpenBGPD you would need to have a way of gracefully and
forcefully immediately shutting down the BGP neighbor that matches the
BFD peer. This could be achieved by simply having the BFD daemon call
'bgpctl neighbor $bfdpeer down'

It is not so important for OSPF as that already has fast convergence
time with fast hello's etc.. But for BGP this would make a world of
difference to remove the BGP routes immediately (in less than a second)
as soon as the BGP neighbor goes down/becomes unreachable (even if not a
direct link (multi-hop etc)).

On 28/10/13 21:10, Dan Farrell wrote:
I'm not sure how much a crate is, but if it's a case (24 bottles),
then I'll throw in a case as well for this work.
Blanche de Chambly, anyone? Or is this more a Maudite crowd?


Dan Farrell

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Andy <a...@brandwatch.com
<mailto:a...@brandwatch.com>> wrote:

     Hi all,

     Would any of the esteemed OpenBSD developers be interested in
     adding support for BFD (Bidirectional Forward Detection) to

     The protocol itself seems pretty simple and provides a sub-second
     keep-alive mechanism to monitor links for routes. E.g. Upon BFD
     failure BGP or OSPF can be torn down etc thus allowing for
     sub-second re-convergence of i/eBGP!

     I can only offer a crate of beer to anyone who has the skills and
     is willing :)

     '+1's welcome from others who would be interested to show signs of

     Cheers, Andy.

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