Am Fri, 18 Oct 2013 19:21:44 -0400 schrieb Brian McCafferty <>:
[ ... ] > If you use dhclient on your laptop, I think you need to make sure to > specify "lookup file bind" (the search order) to have the hosts file > checked before DNS server. ie- in resolv.conf.tail > bind file is the default. > So then you can add to the host file. > Hi Brian, good point - I had resolv.conf.tail disabled when setting up adsuck on the laptop. Will test this tomorrow. Still the question is: As the squid-server at home is dedicated to be "just a proxy" I am not shure if adsuck is the right tool on this machine. Prior to trying my luck with adsuck on the laptop I had only the entries for facebook in the hosts-file - with no effect. This is why I am about to either use pf.conf on the server as well or a squid-ACL. Thank you for joining the discussion. Regards, STEFAN Mit freundlichen Grüßen, STEFAN WOLLNY Regulatory Reporting Consultancy Tel.: +49 (0) 177 655 7875 Fax.: +49 (0) 3212 655 7875 Mail: GnuPG-Key ID: 0x9C26F1D0