On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 07:50:43AM +0200, frantisek holop wrote:
> hi there,
> if i have a usb key, that is softraid encrypted,
> it has 2 DUID's. the first one (before bioctl)
> can be used to script bioctl when the key is inserted.
> when the SR CRYPTO drive is attached, it has another
> DUID.  this can be used for mounting/unmounting.
> my question is, is that a security threat to have this
> 2nd DUID in /etc/fstab?  could it be used as "cleartext"
> for brute forcing the SR CRYPTO drive?

There are many other known plaintext bits in a filesystem, starting with
the FFS magic marker. I don't think DUID matters at all in this context.
Now whether it's possible to mount a known plaintext attack on AES-XTS,
I leave that to the cryptographers.

> i also noticed that bioctl -c C -l accepts DUID's,
> but bioctl -d does not.  it this by design?

I would love a fix for this...

> -f
> -- 
> i'm weird, but i'm saving up to be eccentric.

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