On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 12:14 AM, g.lister <g.lis...@nodeunit.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am looking for some suggestions for a good, small quite laptop. I was
> looking at futureshop.ca and bestbuy.ca. I currently have an HP dv3 which
> runs OpenBSD 5.2 but it is veeerrrry loud some issue with keeping heat down
> it has i7 cores but I am willing to settle for a lot less threads and power
> I need it for some vim C coding and basic duties.

Really 5.2 version? Why don't you try latest relase or better current which
will have much better support of HW in your laptop.

> I would like to get something quieter and that also runs OpenBSD without
> major issues. I saw a lenovo thinkpad x131e on futureshop but it is kind of
> small on the screen size 11.6" and I am not sure if OpenBSD will work on it.
> Does anyone care to mention what they are using.
> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers,
> George

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