On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 06:52:29PM -0700, Chris Cappuccio wrote:
> Jan Stary [h...@stare.cz] wrote:
> > 
> > On Sep 23 14:50:44, ch...@nmedia.net wrote:
> > > Without a dmesg, Xorg.log, and those sort of things,
> > > how can anyone possibly give you a clue?
> > > 
> > > With KMS and such, there are major changes
> > > which may impact some hardware more than others.
> > 
> > This particular machine is a Thinkpad R61
> > with an NVIDIA vga (yeah, I know).
> > 
> The good news is, KMS isn't the main source of your problem.
> OpenBSD has no KMS support for Nvidia (although now that
> TTM - the hard work - is ported over to support the Radeon KMS
> it's easy for someone to port over the Nouveau code and have
> modern accelerated Nvidia support)
> The bad news is, you're using the VESA driver. None of this
> should affect your performance outside of X (such as in the 
> VT text console). But within X, the VESA driver is the
> worst choice, if you can force X to use the nv driver,
> you'll probably be better off for now, although it still
> sucks.

Soory, this is probably false. Did you run any timnig test to backup
this sentence ? With X server 1.14, XAA acceleration is gone, so the
nv driver is running un-accelerated. Moreover there's a bug in the
shadowfb code in it, so it can't even use shadowfb.

But yes, text scrolling has become slower in X on nvidia cards. 

I don't know how to explain text mode issues, especially if they are
new though. 

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