
The PC Engines Alix boards are working quite well.

If you're looking for ARM machines, you'd rather have a look at 
http://cubox-i.com or http://utilite-computer.com .
Note that the second Gigabit Ethernet in the Utilite is connected via PCI-e and 
will need to be worked on.


Am 03.10.2013 um 23:37 schrieb alexey.kurin...@gmail.com:

> Hi. I want to buy some single board (arm cpu) computer for installing open 
> bsd and run services NAT, vpn, webserver,
> etc... Primary experiments for work and fun.
> Hours of googling and reading. I found many deviceses, many of it's listed 
> there 
> http://www.element14.com/community/community/knode/single-board_computers/blog?start=0
> Exist good industrial boards, but low price start for it when buying >=1k 
> boards
> My favorite:
> http://www.pcengines.ch/product.htm
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi
> Question is - what boards succesfully used by members of misc@openbsd.org 
> list? I glad to read members IMHO about used boards.
> Sorry for ugly english.

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