On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 11:28:26AM +0200, Alex Holst wrote:
> I'm looking for input on solving a long-standing issue with uaudio
> playback on my desktop system. (http://mongers.org/openbsd/dmesg.fit)
> When playing local FLAC files or streaming ogg/mp3 through mpd (or
> cvlc), I experience stuttering when system interrupts spike above 15% --
> the most reliable way I can reproduce this is by forcing a bit of disk
> i/o.
do you know what causes these interrupts? is this the uaudio
device? (ex try "systat -s1 vmstat")

> Back in April I tried Alexandre's patch related to audio/midi interrupts
> on mp kernels.

This diff is now in, but something else is still causing interrupts
to be missed on MP systems. Furthermore uaudio uses the usb
sub-system which always grabs the kernel_lock and consequently will
miss interrupts.

> I also tried sndiod -r44100 -z2940 but neither made any
> difference. 
> Is the stuttering likely related to my hardware, is it a known problem
> or is there something else I can try?

uaudio driver is known to not work very well (lack of time to
clean-up the driver). But I don't know if that's causing the
stuttering you observe. There may be multiple causes :(

You could try find the cause:

 - switch into using the GENERIC kernel and see if
   stuttering is affected

 - use trivial tools to play audio (eg. aucat -i foo.wav) during
   the tests.

 - does the "-mplay" option affect stuttering? if so the
   cause may be the uaudio driver.


-- Alexandre

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