On 2013-09-25, Roelof Wobben <rwob...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, 
> I did all the steps from this tutorial (http://callfortesting.org/gnome3)
> And I did all the steps that the pkg-readmes/gnome-3.6 says.
> But still I see a login screen from xdm and fvvm starts up.
> How can I take care that gnome is starting.
> Roelof                                          

Those instructions assume you are not running xdm; either disable it
(xdm_flags=NO in rc.conf.local) or edit .xsession instead of .xinitrc.

However I would recommend avoiding 3rd party instructions which may or
may not be in-sync with the version you have installed. Instead, after
you have run "pkg_add gnome", just follow the pkg-readme instructions
(specifically the GDM section).

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