On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 09:31:52PM +0200, Jona Joachim wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently patching yaifo to make it work with -CURRENT. The build is
> going fine, however I'm stuck at an installboot error which I don't
> understand.
> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/mdec/installboot -v /mnt/boot /usr/mdec/biosboot
> /dev/rvnd0c
> boot: /mnt/boot proto: /usr/mdec/biosboot device: /dev/rvnd0c
> installboot: disklabel type unknown

Fascinating. This error occurs when d_type is 0 in the disklabel. i.e. it
hasn't been set to one of DTYPE_ST506, _ESDI, _FLOPPY, etc. As you seem 
to using vnd I would expect d_type to be set to DTYPE_VND. But 
somehow the disklabel you are reading does not have this field 

Do you know how the disklabel was created?

.... Ken

> /mnt/boot is 9 blocks x 8192 bytes
> fs block shift 1; part offset 0; inode block 32, offset 936
> master boot record (MBR) at sector 0
> installboot: invalid boot record signature (0x0000) @ sector 0
> I don't understand why installboot fails here and I can't find a reference
> to the error.
> Can anybody explain to me what is going wrong?
> You can find the whole log attached.
> Best regards,
> Jona
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which 
> had a name of make2.log]

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