Hi list

I recently upgraded my firewall from OpenBSD 5.0 to 5.3 (i386).
Unfortunately, after the upgrade process, my pppoe connection to my ISP
didn't work anymore.
I'm using kernel pppoe with the following setup:


  vlan 35 vlandev xl1 up

inet \
  pppoedev vlan0 \
  authproto pap authname "login" authkey "pass" \
!/sbin/route add default -ifp pppoe0

After some debugging with tcpdump, I found out that from 5.0 to 5.1,
OpenBSD introduced vlan priorisation support (IEEE 802.1p) and per
default sets the vlan PCP field to the value 3.

Unfortunately, my ISP only allows connections when this field is set to 0 :(

As a work-around, I removed the setting of this field from the kernel
and now it works but I wonder if there isn't a better way to solve my issue.

According to the vlan(4) manpage, this should be fixable using a pf
rule. I tried all the following (with and without "out") but none worked :(

match out on vlan0 set prio 0
pass out on vlan0 set prio 0
match out on pppoe0 set prio 0
pass out on pppoe0 set prio 0

Any ideas are welcome.

Thx in advance

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