* Riccardo Mottola <riccardo.mott...@libero.it> [2013-09-18 08:58:22 +0200]:
> Hi, > > I have updated to a current snapshot (13 sept to be precise). The > system starts up, but most of the application which I had installed > from ports crash with a "bad system call". wmaker, svn.... > I thought we had binary compatibility and slighly older binaries would work! > > Specifically, here a stacktrace of wmaker: > > Program received signal SIGSYS, Bad system call. > 0x07ca77d1 in gettimeofday () at <stdin>:2 > 2 <stdin>: No such file or directory. > in <stdin> > Current language: auto; currently asm In spite of it being glaringly clear on the -current webpage/guide, I too made that mistake. In my case I simply did a new/fresh installation. It was the easiest way, although I did first roll back to the Jul 30 snapshot and wait for a later one to allow time for all the packages to be brought up-to-date (which I believe they are now), currently using 16/09 snapshot.