On Sun, 1 Sep 2013 22:45:50 -0700, andrew fabbro wrote:

>I have a Shuttle SD11G5, which is a small Celeron-based PC (1.5Ghz Celeron,
>2GB RAM, a couple SATA drives).
>The OpenBSD 5.3 installer consistently hangs after I enter the Netmask for
>the onboard NIC.
>I'm booting the 32-bit x86 install53.iso.  I start configuring bge0 (which
>is a BCM5789) and after "IPv4 address for bge0", the installer asks for
>Netmask and after I enter it (, the installer sits there
>Same thing if I DHCP - after "Issuing hostname-associated DHCP request for
>bge0" the installer hangs.
>I also have an Intel Pro/1000 gig-E card (82574L) in the PCI Express slot,
>which shows up on em0.  Unfortunately dmesg says "couldn't map interrupt"
>and I'm not offered the chance to configure it.  I haven't found anything
>useful via searching for fixing this.
>This box previously ran Debian Linux with no problems, so I'm skeptical
>it's a hardware problem.  The BMC578x series is listed as supported on the
>bge(4) man page.
>Any advice?
Provide a dmesg before expecting anything from one of the wise men.

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This life is not the real thing.
It is not even in Beta.
If it was, then OpenBSD would already have a man page for it.

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