> When I want to shut down, I use on/off switch. No permissions needed.

I am evaluating parts for improving my OpenBSD desktops but
xfce4-session is not part of it so I haven't chimed in yet as I thought
others may do a better job.
However on Linux such as my TV's I always have a console user auto
logged in as well as a different user logged into X11 and multiple
users logged in says shutdown is not authorised even though
ctrl->alt->del works. With Linux becoming more annoying with regard to
ease or allowance of configuration and providing terrible documentation
especially man pages combined with me often disabling the pointless
polkit, I found a much preferred option.

So on XFCE I use a launcher with sudo shutdown -h now
and sudo /usr/sbin/pm-suspendhybrid as two icons with the advanced
option arrow button position -> inside button so that it is not
accidentally pressed.

A bonus is you get a nice looking shutdown button that everyone
understands rather than their own name preventing them from finding how
to shut the system down which is just one step from Gnome3
rediculousness requiring alt to show the power down option.

Thankfully mythtv is nice and easily configurable and hasn't gone down
the redhat you must use our shitzle route and allows the command
changing to sudo shutdown -h now too.

The real joke is login managers that now use your possibly non unique
real name rather than your guaranteed unique user name. It is annoyingly
amusing when all you have is three Kevin Chadwicks to choose from.

Do people just do things without thinking or being beaten into a pulp
on mailing lists these days?


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

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