That is the EJTAG port (debug.. single stepping the cpu etc) AFAIK (haven't
tested yet as I don't have the appropriate kit handy)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Mihai Popescu
> Sent: 27 August 2013 18:12
> To:
> Subject: Re: Installation on EdgeRouter Lite
> Folks, it say that "there is no USB support yet, which means that there is
> storage". "No onboard CompactFash" means that this model is not using
> compact flash.
> If you look at the bottom link, you can see that this model storage is an
> stick mounted on the board. Please look at the pictures, top layer, to the
> So this is clear, no USB support - no way to access the storage, yet. I am
> interested in this model or maybe anothe one with wireless. It is
> what is that not populated slot , on the left.
> biquiti_erl_board_top.jpg

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