On 8/22/13, Liviu Daia <liviu.d...@romednet.com> wrote:
> On 22 August 2013, patrick keshishian <pkesh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Anyone else notice that sqlite3 in base got slower somewhat recently?
>> I have a fairly large database, roughly 55M in size. I had to
>> repopulate it from source SQL file recently, and it took more than
>> twice the time I remember it taking with an older snapshot.
>> This is on "newer" snapshot[1]:
>> $ time sqlite3 the.db < in.sql
>>    50m13.15s real     3m57.25s user     8m15.78s system
> [...]
>     I recently had to populate a SQLite database with ~500k records, the
> end result being a ~240 MB file.  I can't answer your question about
> sqlite3 getting slower, but I can tell you that tuning operations makes
> a huge difference.  I suggest something along these lines:
> (1) set some pragmas:
>         PRAGMA synchronous = OFF
>         PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY
>         PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY
>         PRAGMA page_size = 65536

Thanks for this info!

Adding only "PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY" was a tremendous

$ time sqlite3 the.db < in.sql
journal_mode = memory
    3m50.12s real     1m28.79s user     0m44.58s system

That's impressive!

yet, and on the other machine (with older snap):

$ time sqlite3 test.db < in.sql
    1m29.85s real     0m50.24s user     0m22.04s system

Still hinting at a slowdown between the two snaps/sqlite3 version

Thanks again for the info!

> (2) use transactions and commit every 10k inserts (or more), rather than
>     after each new record (which is the default);
> (3) drop all indices, push the data, then re-create indices.
>     Each of these have dramatic effects on speed.  Other optimisations
> are possible too, but I believe these are the important ones.  In my
> case, I cut database creation time from more than an hour to 80 seconds,
> on a relatively slow machine.  FWIW.
>     Regards,
>     Liviu Daia

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