I tried relayd -current and crashed with the error:

$ sudo ./relayd -f /etc/relayd.conf -d
..... A LOT
OF LOGS ................
relay www_ssl, session 1368 (1 active), 0, -> :0, SSL accept error
relay www_ssl, session 1369 (1 active),
0, ->, done
pfe exiting, pid 8360
lost child:
relay terminated; signal 11
hce exiting, pid 18726
parent terminating, pid

now I am trying relayd from patch branch - OPENBSD_5_3 and see what

relaunched the free qualys scan

I let you know the results when the
scan finishes

 From: Peter Hessler
To: Bogdan Andu <bo...@yahoo.com> 
Cc: Alexey E.
Suslikov <alexey.susli...@gmail.com>; "misc@openbsd.org" <misc@openbsd.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: relayd crash

On 2013
Aug 21 (Wed) at 02:16:32 -0700 (-0700), Bogdan Andu wrote:
: From: Alexey E. Suslikov
:To: misc@openbsd.org 
:Sent: Wednesday, August
21, 2013 11:40 AM
:Subject: Re: relayd crash
:Bogdan Andu <bog09 <at>
yahoo.com> writes:
:> machine is OpenBSD 5.3/amd64 GENERIC.MP
:relayd on
5.3 is buggy. you either need newer version,
:or backport a fix.
between the following two options what is the best (given the fact the machine
is OpenBSD 5.3)?
:1. checkout in 5.3 from current, compile and install on
:2. checkout in 5.3 relayd with tag OPENBSD_5_2, compile and install in

Checkout the stable branch on OPENBSD_5_3 as it already has a
fix for relayd.


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