Op Tue, 20 Aug 2013 18:33:46 +0200 schreef Renaud Allard <ren...@allard.it>:
I just found out that spamd database breaks after upgrading to a snapshot with the 64 bits time_t resulting in:
Aug 20 16:04:18 pippin spamd[26092]: scan of /var/db/spamd failed
Aug 20 16:05:18 pippin spamd[26092]: bogus entry in spamd database

As for the utmp and lastlog, a clear of the database obviously solves the problem.

Or if you value your white and spamtrap entries, do something like the following:

Before upgrade:
spamdb|grep '^WHITE|'|cut -d'|' -f2>/var/db/spamd.white
spamdb|grep '^SPAMTRAP|'|cut -d'|' -f2>/var/db/spamd.spamtrap

After upgrade:
rm -f /var/db/spamd
for a in `cat /var/db/spamd.white`; do spamdb -a "$a"; done
for a in `cat /var/db/spamd.spamtrap`; do spamdb -Ta "$a"; done
rm -f /var/db/spamd.{white,spamtrap}

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