On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> wrote:
>> On 08/09/2013 12:00 AM, voic...@openmailbox.org wrote:
>> ...
>> > The first one. We all know that the operating system OpenBSD largely
>> > depends on lead, so what will happen when time will come for Theo? We
>> > all know that so far people do not live thousands of years... I think
>> > that not only me would be interesting to know the future of this great
>> > project in case something happens. Please do not misunderstand me here,
>> > I do not wish anything bad for Theo, I just need to be sure that there
>> > are others who could keep project going.
>> same thing that happens for any open source volunteer project, or any
>> sole proprietorship...or any corporation.  Someone(s) may step up, they
>> may not.  They may succeed in keeping the team together, they may not.
>> The project may improve, it may "lessen".
> What a bunch of worrying balony.
> I have asexually reproduced a few times, and put the other copies of
> myself in stasis.

Tomorrow's headlines: Theo of OpenBSD self-admitted reptilian!
Adding credibility to claims that OpenBSD has alien backdoors built in.

> In the event that I fall off a mountain or get attacked by group of
> dogs in central Turkey,

I hear you on that ;)


p.s., could not resist.

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