* Maxim Khitrov <m...@mxcrypt.com> [2013-07-25 17:29]:
> To reassemble fragmented
> packets with the DF flag set, one has to use "set reassemble yes
> no-df" option.


> By the time any scrub rules are applied, the packet is
> already reassembled

not necessarily - one can turn reassembly off.

> so "scrub (no-df)" simply clears the DF flag for
> all _complete_ packets (pf_scrub in sys/net/pf_norm.c).

pretty much.
> I don't see how this fixes problems with fragmented NFS packets, and I
> suspect that this breaks legitimate uses of DF, such as MTU discovery.

well, no-df kinda "breaks" PMTUD by definition; the pf host then
reassembles anyway.

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
BS Web Services GmbH, http://bsws.de, Full-Service ISP
Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS Services. Dedicated Servers, Root to Fully Managed
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