On 07/19/13 19:22, Mihai Popescu wrote:
Please elaborate.
I'm sorry for the quick suggestion. Here are the details...
I was installing from snapshots and the fw_update was run at first boot. I
was using bge0 for network connection in a hope that the firmware for iwi0
will be installed. I got a message, then when I was trying to use iwi0 I
got the famous kernel 'can't load firmware ....'
I was connecting again bge0 and run fw_update, but no files were installed
in /etc/firmware so I was looking at the script code and saw there is a
path to http://firmware.openbsd.org/firmare/$version/. I am using 5.4, the
5.4 branch cannot be reached since this is not created there yet.
I exported the path manually and installed by hand using pkg_add. Not a big
deal, but for a beginner this cannot be very easy.
I think you need to create a subdirectory named 5.4 and put firmware there
I hope I got it right this time.
You surely did, thanks for taking the time to explain.