Le 16/07/2013 15:53, Mathieu BLANC a écrit :
Hi !

I have read several mails/bug in the mailing list about reloading
relayd. But i didn't understand if all the bugs were fixed or not ?
If i launch the daemon with "relayd -d -vvv", and "relayctl reload", i
have this error :

parent_sig_handler: reload requested with SIGHUP
parent_reload: level 0 config file /etc/relayd.conf
relayd in free(): error: chunk is already free 0x139b3e2e6400
init_filter: filter init done
init_tables: created 0 tables
flush_table: flushed table std_https1
kill_tables: deleted 1 tables
flush_rulesets: flushed rules
pfe exiting, pid 1270
lost child: hce terminated; signal 6
relay exiting, pid 18390
relay exiting, pid 17435
relay exiting, pid 579
relay exiting, pid 7823
relay exiting, pid 25910
parent terminating, pid 23068

I know that relayd can't be reloaded if we have relays with SSL, but
i've just a redirect (with check https...). I've tested with "check tcp"
(and not check https "/"....), and it seems that reload is OK with this !
Am I missing something ?

Thanks in advance !

Sebastian (benoit-li...@fb12.de) asked me to test this patch : http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/usr.sbin/relayd/ssl.c.diff?r1=1.18;r2=1.19;sortby=date

I've tried this morning, and relayctl reload doesn't crash anymore. Thanks to him ;)


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