On 11. juli 2013 at 9:23 PM, "Chris Cappuccio" <ch...@nmedia.net> wrote:
>> Anybody have any thoughts on Snort vs Suricata?
>Code quality is going to be a big question with the new one, as it 
>always has been with Snort (does running this utility open up a 
>new attack vector on your network)

Yeah, good point.

>> Also, how important is it to use an IDS if you run a server that 
>hosts a popular website?
>Depends on how well you configure the IDS and how well you monitor 
>it (and if you know what to even look for...)

Maybe Snorby can help with that?


>> I'm reading here (http://www.aldeid.com/wiki/Suricata-vs-snort): 
>> Suricata offers new features that Snort could implement in the 
>> future: multi-threading support, capture accelerators [...snip...] 
>> One advantage Suricata has is its ability to understand level 7 of 
>> the OSI model, which enhances its ability of detecting malwares. 
>> Suricata has demonstrated that it is far more efficient than Snort 
>> for detecting malwares, viruses and shellcodes.
>Snort is different, I don't see why you expect that it will 
>suddenly become equivalent.

Both are supposed to help you detect intrusions so in that sense I guess 
they're the same?

>For high-speed capture and analysis, a dedicated box with netmap 
>is much better for tools like this. I think i should finish the 
>port that I was working on :)

Which one, /usr/ports/security/suricata?


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