Dear "Thomas," Plagiarise much lately? -Lionel On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 11:56 PM, Thomas Jennings <> wrote: > > Dear OpenBSD developers and users: > > Regretfully, I have decided to abandon OpenBSD and thought I would > share my reasoning with this list. I thought the 4th of July was a > good date to do so since my reasons address national security > implications. As a group of people who take development, security, and > privacy seriously, I know you will want to know why I made the drastic > decision to abandon OpenBSD and never look back. > > I'm sure we've all heard of PRISM by now, the user-friendly name of > the United States Federal Government's massive civilian and resident > spying program otherwise known as US-984XN. PRISM is certainly bad > enough of its own accord, but it's how PRISM works, and the pattern of > behavior found in OpenBSD development, that was the tipping point for > my use of OpenBSD. > > And we all know Theo de Raadt, OpenBSD generalissimo of much infamy. > After being fired from the NetBSD team, Theo forked the code and > started OpenBSD. He's been pretty much solely responsible for > development of OpenBSD over the years, taking volunteer code as he > sees fit. He also has final say over security audits in the operating > system, something that turns out to be very important. > > I was prepping to migrate the whole of our shop, a regional ISP in the > United States of America, to OpenBSD 5.3 when the news broke: CBS News > reporter Sharyl Attkisson claimed, during a live radio interview, that > she had been dealing with suspicious computer and phone issues. Check > out this snippet from the full transcript of the interview. One line > in particular trashed my plans for the OpenBSD upgrade: > > > Well, I have been, as I said, pursuing an issue for a long time now — much > > longer > > than you’ve been hearing about this in the news — with some compromising of > > my > > computer systems in my house — my personal computer systems as well as my > > work computer systems. I thought they were immune to being compromised — > > because they all ran OpenBSD — but I guess I was wrong. So, we’re digging > > into > > that and just not ready to say much more right now, but I am concerned. > > Since that interview in May, I've watched story after story of direct > server access, PRISM, and NSA spying and connected some dots. For > example, consider the accusations that the FBI had been accused of > planting backdoors in OpenBSD's IPSEC in December of 2012, and that > the accusations later proved true. The two scandals broke 18 only > months apart. > > Consider that PRISM allows the United States Federal Government to > directly access the servers of virtually any company doing online > business, including tech giants like Apple, Facebook, Google, and > Microsoft. But those same tech giants deny complicity. I'm sure we all > agree that personal privacy is beyond the scope of private enterprise, > but let's assume their denials are true. Then connect more dots: > > OpenBSD has shipped on over half of all network devices, including > things like routers, switches, gateways, and servers, for the last six > years. The current estimated number of OpenBSD installations sits at > over 350 million devices, comprising an almost ubiquitous presence of > OpenBSD in networks worldwide. > > EVEN IF NO CORPORATION OFFERS THE UNITED STATE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT > DIRECT ACCESS TO ITS SERVERS THROUGH PRISM, OPENBSD OFFERS THAT SAME > ACCESS THROUGH THE PRESENCE OF ITS BACKDOORS. > > There it is. Let it sink in. Words like Gestapo and Stasi and KGB come > to mind. OpenBSD is part and parcel to the United States Federal > Government's program to spy on its own citizens through bodies like > the NSA and FBI and has been since the FBI paid for backdoors in IPSEC > about a dozen years ago. > > Yesterday, I told the company that we must migrate all our services > from OpenBSD to something else because the risk to our customers' > privacy and security is simply unacceptable. Theo de Raadt may seem > like some kind of guard dog of security, but he's really just a little > bitch bought and sold by the United State Federal Government. > > The kicker is that Theo denies anything suggesting that OpenBSD is > less than perfect at security, as if he's personally offended by the > mere suggestion. He routinely attacks developers and enthusiasts for > simply asking questions. WHY SO TOUCHY, THEO? COULD IT BE BECAUSE > YOU'RE COMPLICIT IN THE BIGGEST CITIZEN SPYING PROGRAM EVER RUN IN THE > HISTORY OF THE WORLD?! > > Today, be a true patriot to the ideals of personal privacy and public > liberty: prevent and reject any and all use of OpenBSD. > > Happy 4th of July.