hello florenz! u are wright! i was a wrong and try to defend myself by answering back but i check again to what jash was saying and then bang he was Wright, Damm even worse, but ok i learn the lesson, usually y try to internet and then on archives but this time i got confused on supports from 32 bits and 64 and answered too quick trying to defend OpenBSD what derived on a very strong correction by some folks even theo participate but ok i learned and thanks sometimes it is better to learn the hard way
--by the way first time that many help me jeje and first time theo send me a mail :) -- > Subject: Re: OpenBSD Doesn't Support 64-Bit Intel > From: f...@well.com > Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2013 10:11:21 +0200 > To: genesi...@hotmail.com > > hello Carlos, > > On Jul 2, 2013, at 6:15 PM, carlos albino garcia grijalba wrote: > > LOL ok im the rude guy dude! but ok im the dummy what its really funny its that when i ask the list > > for some nobody answer but when i write something that someone feel its rude then bang i have > > answers!!! LOL > > actually, I answered not because I felt your statement was so wrong it was not even funny anymore. > > look at this thread: http://listserv.sap.com/pipermail/linux.general/2005-December/004843.html > then you might realize that IA64 vs. AMD64 was a topic I found quite interesting some years ago. > > So that's the way the misc works. It's easier to critique on style rather than on substance, and > critique makes most feel superior - probably including me. Don't be one of the people doing it, > ignore the noise, and listen to the helpful people. There are quite some on misc, and about once or > twice a week you will see a very helpful tip. > > here is some free advice: > 1) now that you feel properly welcomed by having your error corrected in public, try to pay it back by > doing your homework. Never before was technical and non-technical information available as free and > fast as today. Use it. There is no excuse for not searching the documentation, and the internet. > > 2) Stay away from opinion, and stick to the facts. Opinion goes best with a beer, and time to waste. > > 3) Show some respect by investing time and effort in your language and writing style. At the moment, > you are giving the impression of a 15-year-old. The concept of respect is well-known in the spanish > hemisphere, my friends from Spain and Protugal tell me. Show some to others be making yourself appear > more mature. Incidentally, it makes it easier to read for yourself, too. Same as wearing a tie to the > > have a nice day :-) > Florenz