On 07/01/13 00:06, Jash Sefferson wrote:
Hi guys.

I’m a civil engineer by day and use OpenBSD at night, but I’m trying to do
high-end CAD on my home PC and OpenBSD doesn’t support 64-bit Intel chips.

Don't believe me? It says very clearly at the OpenBSD/amd64 page: “All
versions of the AMD Athlon 64 processors and their clones are supported.”
But does not mention or list any Intel chips. Not one.

Wtf? I can do CAD on my i7-980X under Windows 7 SP 1, but I’d rather
use something secure and responsibly coded like OpenBSD. Except that I

Why for the life of this platform are we not on the only future direction
for the platform? And I mean that literally. Neither AMD nor Intel sells
32-bit chips anymore. If OpenBSD remains stuck at 32 bits, people will stop
using and developing for it.

Who makes the decision to keep OpenBSD off of 64-bit Intel? And why the
hell are they doing so?


Um.... I'm writing this on an amd64 Thinkpad W500 which has a
2.8GHz core two duo.   So I don't understand what you mean.

--STeve Andre'

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