On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 03:51:34PM +0000, openda...@hushmail.com wrote:
> Hi,


> Rails' Action Mailer's default arguments for Sendmail are -i and -t 
> (http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_mailer_basics.html): 
> config.action_mailer.sendmail_settings = { location: "/usr/sbin/sendmail", 
> arguments: "-i -t"}
> If I switch OpenSMTPD: config.action_mailer.sendmail_settings = { location: 
> "/usr/sbin/smtpctl" } -- should I have to worry about replacing -i and -t?

You shouldn't need to do that.

smtpctl(8) knows when it is invoked as "sendmail" and will work just the
way you'd expect. All you have to do is setup the mailwrapper(8) and you
can then let your ruby app config reference sendmail

Gilles Chehade

https://www.poolp.org                                          @poolpOrg

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