Ok, so maybe my level of irony wasn't obvious. I was not serious. I cannot
imagine having reports from all over saying "doesn't work from here
either" would help, and I got annoyed by all the noise.

Anyway, it now seems up (from Sweden!) ;-), so lets just all drop this,


> Can someone please test from Burundi, Johannesburg and Minsk? Because that
> would probably also be really really really interesting.
> Luis Coronado <lcoron...@ticoit.com> wrote:
>>Down from Costa Rica as well.
>>On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 7:23 AM, Jon Metzman <jon.metz...@gmail.com>
>>> I can't access the website but it is responding to ping requests from
>>> in New York.
>>> On 06/25/2013 05:50 AM, Johan Mellberg wrote:
>>>> Weird. Works from here (Sweden).
>>>> ==========
>>>> 25 jun 2013 kl. 11:43 skrev Alan Cheng <bsdp...@gmail.com>:
>>>>  I can't access www.openbsd.org right now.
>>it's down.

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