
We're really looking forward to improvements in ALTQ too.

And we are /really/ hoping that the queues can either be shared across 
interfaces (so your WAN downstream bandwidth doesn't have to be sliced 
up and divided up across all the internal interfaces), or that you can 
create queues on the external interface's 'ingress' flow.

I know this opens a can of worms as many say you can't theoretically 
shape inbound bandwidth as you've already received the packets, however 
we do shape inbound bandwidth and it works brilliantly! But you have to 
do it on each of the internal interfaces egress (hence having to slice 
up the total downstream), so connections receiving too many downstream 
packets are slowed by dropping some of the already received TCP packets 
(not perfect but it works).

Also whilst I'm wishing, also looking forward to the day that the 
FQ_Codel algorithms etc which significantly improve buffer-bloat are 
soon in OpenBSD (now in Linux 3.7 :)

Cheers, Andrew Lemin

On 03/06/13 14:49, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 03, 2013 at 03:34:47PM +0200, emigrant wrote:
>> Hi
>> ALTQ can't use 10Gb NIC? altq support max 4,3Gb bandwidth, because altq is a 
>> 32bit. It's true?
> ALTQ is old code (perhaps move obviously so to German speakers than others 
> ;)), a replacement
> is in the pipeline but not immediately ready, unfortunately.
> http://bsdly.blogspot.ca/2011/07/anticipating-post-altq-world.html gives some 
> background,
> diffs are being tested by various people now, and the commit of the new 
> queueing system
> *must* be moving closer by the minute. But no definite ETA just yet.
> - P

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