On 2013-06-02, Rob Sheldon <r...@associatedtechs.com> wrote:
> Sorry for the noise.
> OpenBSD 5.3 introduced Squid 3.2, which now checks the destination IP 
> of inbound packets against the Host: header in interception mode. This 
> breaks rdr-to, which makes nearly every howto online incorrect (joy). 
> There was a minor error in the Squid docs which confused me (http_port 
> must have IP-of-interface-to-listen on:port, e.g., "http_port 
> intercept", instead of just "http_port 3129 intercept" as 
> in the current docs), which caused the connection refused errors, which 
> I stupidly misinterpreted.
> FWIW, the Squid docs link to 
> http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/ports/www/squid/pkg/README-main?rev=1.1;content-type=text%2Fplain,
> which have "http_port transparent" as the example, but 
> as of Squid 3.1, "transparent" was deprecated in favor of "intercept": 
> http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/http_port/

I've updated the README. In future please could you make sure that any
suggestions relating to ports are sent (or at least CC'd) to the MAINTAINER?
It's easy to miss things in the mailing lists (and a lot of developers don't
read misc regularly). Thanks.

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