Sorry, had some guests over the weekend, and I was unable to continue with the thread for a bit. I hope you guys are willing to catch up where you left off, I still haven't been able to get apache+php+mysql working again on my server since the 4.9-5.0 upgrade, and I really need my wiki and other associated services here. Managed to get done with my speech without them, at least. *grin* Still really could've used the wiki for the reference gathering, though. Thankfully nobody asked me for references.
So, here is the output from php -m: Mon May 27 20:01 contract:/home/ftp$ php -m [PHP Modules] bcmath calendar ctype date dom exif filter ftp gettext hash iconv json libxml mbstring mysql openssl pcre PDO posix Reflection session SimpleXML sockets SPL standard suhosin sysvmsg sysvsem sysvshm tokenizer wddx xml xmlreader xmlwriter zlib [Zend Modules] Suhosin -=-=-=-=- So it looks like at least from the command-line invoked php, things are loading the mysql version just fine. And I checked, yes, and mysqld is running via invocation of mysqld_safe. I'll post the appropriate snippets from all of the php*.ini files scattered about my installation in just a bit here as soon as I can gather them all together. A visitor has stopped by again, so I must take a brief respite. On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 7:18 PM, Richard Toohey <> wrote: > On 05/23/13 12:08, Damon Getsman wrote: > >> Okay, now I've got the phpinfo output. Nothing is jumpin' out at me, >> if y'all care to take a look at it I've got it available at >> for a limited time here. >> >> >> No mysql in the output. > > What does php -m give you, etc. > > It's like the message you are getting - something is up with the mysql > extension in your install. > > Check the ini files, etc. > > You are using the base Apache and PHP is working - you need to look at the > mysql extension and find out why it is not enabled or not loading.