I'm not using for scientific work but for all daily, as servers but also as 
workstation, graphical station & sometimes only for scientific work like 
calculations of astronomical trajectories...that's all.

> ----------------------------------------
> From: Zé Loff <zel...@zeloff.org>
> Sent: Tue May 14 08:38:43 CEST 2013
> To: vim.u...@gmail.com <vim.u...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: who is using obsd
> On 13/05/2013, at 22:12, Pau <vim.u...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > on his/her laptop as *only* OS and uses it daily for scientific work?
> > please contact me off list. Thanks
> Doing statistical consulting for the pharma industry using 99% OpenBSD. Basic 
> toolkit is LaTeX+R, both edited with vim, and LibreOffice. Plus a lot of git, 
> some JabRef when needed, and mutt for email. All running under dwm and using 
> oh so little memory.
> Occasionally LibreOffice will act up for some reason, and I need to borrow a 
> Windows machine, but that's rare and either MS or LibreOffice's fault, not 
> OpenBSD's.
> And then there are my servers, firewalls and network services, but I doubt 
> you'd be interested in that.

Francois Pussault
3701 - 8 rue Marcel Pagnol
31100 Toulouse 
+33 6 17 230 820   +33 5 34 365 269 

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