thanks for the prompt replies. Any recommendation for IPMI cards and KVM
over IP switches that work well with openbsd?


On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 12:07 AM, Nick Holland

> On 05/13/2013 03:24 PM, Tony Berth wrote:
>> Dear Group,
>> I would like to know what kind of environment you use for remote
>> management
>> of one or more openbsd servers. Which KVM over IP solution would you
>> recomend.
> Oh, I remember those.
> Last IP KVM switch I used worked BETTER for OpenBSD than it did for
> Windows...  Seriously.  Windows desktop was a garbled mess, looked like a
> badly tuned TV set (for those that remember when you could and needed to
> tune TVs), but running OpenBSD with X, it "Just Worked".  Go figure.
>  Getting the client software to run was another matter all together, as I
> recall, it was a horribly Windows/IE dependent.
> Really, though.  If it's in a data center, usually I just use the remote
> access controller on most servers these days or a serial console.
> Just remember...  if you got a big *** lock on the data center door (you
> should), make sure your remote console (however you do it) is comparably
> secure.  Putting your remote access on the same network as all your users
> is similar to removing the locks on the data center door. Not changing the
> default RAC password and/or IDs is like putting a "Welcome" mat under the
> (unlocked) door of the data center.
> And ask yourself...why do you run OpenBSD?  Maybe because of the security.
>  What OS do you think is at the base of your IP KVM?  Probably not OpenBSD.
>  Strength of a chain is the weakest link and all that -- if someone can
> knock over your KVM, they own your box.  Don't compromise your machine with
> a bad remote console.
> Nick.

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